From top: Father Zuhlsdorf celebrated the extraordinary form of Holy Mass at St. Benedict's Chapel in Chesapeake and preached on the concept of "conversatio" - the "matter of life" which involves the person's thoughts, words and actions in relationship to God, self and others.
Next, Father Z engages in what he calls "counterterrorism" measures in the "blog wars" as he takes a picture of another blogger taking a picture of him. Getting the first post on a hot item means total victory! He is joined by Father Willis, chaplain to Saint Benedict's and friends for a chat before Mass.
Next, Fr Z joins Father Willis and friends at Monastery restaurant in Norfolk Saturday evening.
Next, Wanderer columnist/WDTPRS blogger Father Zuhlsdorf and fellow Wanderer columnist/MCITL blogger Father Cusick.
And, finally, the faithful chatting after meeting "Christ our hope" in holy Mass.
It was nice to meet you and the other TLM faithful this past weekend. Thank you for becoming a priest -- and thank you for serving our country in the military. May God reward you.