Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Ss. Septem Fundatorum Ordinis Servorum B. M. V. ~ III. classis

Scriptura: Feria IV infra Hebdomadam V post Epiphaniam

Wed, 2/12/25:

Today is the feast of the Seven Holy Founders of the Order of Servants of Our Lady (Servite Order) under the 1954 (double) and 1962 (III class) rubrics.

Mass: Proper Mass. White. Gloria. Gradual/Alleluia. Omit Credo. Common Preface. Ite. No commemorations or additional prayers.

Office: Ordinary office. White. Matins of 3 nocturns of 9 lessons (1954; 1st nocturn = Incipit Epistola secunda ad Timotheum from feria III [Tuesday] of the 5th week after Epiphany with repsonories of the current feria)/1 nocturn of 3 lessons (1962; I & II = occurring Scripture [for feria IV of the 5th week after Epiphany, II = II & III combined], III = short hagiography). Te Deum. Proper hymn at Matins. Psalms and antiphons of the feria. All else from the proper. Proper collect. No commemorations at Lauds. Omit suffrage (1954). (Source LB236 on Twitter/X.)

℣. The Lord be with you.
℟. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Who, to keep alive the memory of Your most holy Mother’s sorrows, through the seven holy fathers enriched your Church with a new family of her Servants, graciously grant that we may be so united with them in their sorrows, as also to share their joys.
Who livest and reignest with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end.
℟. Amen

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