From the Holy Gospel according to Matthew
Matt 21:1-9
At that time, when Jesus drew nigh to Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto mount Olivet, then Jesus sent two disciples, Saying to them: And so on.
From the Sermons of Pope St. Leo the Great.
Second on the Passion of the Lord.
Dearly beloved brethren, the jubilant and triumphal day which ushereth in the commemoration of the Lord's Passion is come; even that day for which we have longed so much, and for whose yearly coming the whole world may well look. Shouts of spiritual exultation are ringing, and suffer not that we should be silent. It is indeed hard to preach often on the same Festival, and that always meetly and rightly, but a Priest is not free, when we celebrate so great and mysterious an out-pouring of God's mercy, to leave his faithful people without the service of a discourse. Nay, that his subject-matter is unspeakable should in itself make him eloquent, since where enough can never be said, there must needs ever be somewhat to say. Let man's weakness, then, fall down before the glory of God, and acknowledge herself ever too feeble to unfold all the works of His mercy. We may jade our emotions, break down in our understanding, and fail in our speech it is good for us, that even what we truly feel in presence of the Divine Majesty is but little, (compared to the vastness of the subject.)
Second on the Passion of the Lord.
Dearly beloved brethren, the jubilant and triumphal day which ushereth in the commemoration of the Lord's Passion is come; even that day for which we have longed so much, and for whose yearly coming the whole world may well look. Shouts of spiritual exultation are ringing, and suffer not that we should be silent. It is indeed hard to preach often on the same Festival, and that always meetly and rightly, but a Priest is not free, when we celebrate so great and mysterious an out-pouring of God's mercy, to leave his faithful people without the service of a discourse. Nay, that his subject-matter is unspeakable should in itself make him eloquent, since where enough can never be said, there must needs ever be somewhat to say. Let man's weakness, then, fall down before the glory of God, and acknowledge herself ever too feeble to unfold all the works of His mercy. We may jade our emotions, break down in our understanding, and fail in our speech it is good for us, that even what we truly feel in presence of the Divine Majesty is but little, (compared to the vastness of the subject.)
For when the Prophet saith: Seek the Lord and be strong; seek
His face evermore, Ps. civ. 4, let no man thence conclude that he will ever have found
all that he seeketh, lest he which hath ceased to come near should cease to be
near. But among all the works of God which foil and weary the steadfast gaze of
man's wonder, what is there that doth at once so ravish and so exceed the power
of our mind's eye as do the sufferings of the Saviour? He it was Who, to loose
man from the bands wherewith he had bound himself by the first death-dealing
transgression, spared to bring against the rage of the devil the power of the
Divine Majesty, and met him with the weakness of our lowly nature. For if our
proud and cruel enemy had been able to know the counsel of God's mercy, it had
been his task rather to have softened the minds of the Jews into gentleness,
than to have inflamed them with unrighteous hatred; and so lost the service of
all his slaves, by pursuing for his Debtor One That owed him nothing.
But his own hate dug a pit-fall for him he brought upon the
Son of God that death which is become life to all the sons of men. He shed that
innocent Blood, Which hath reconciled the world unto God, and become at once
the price of our redemption and the cup of our salvation. The Lord hath
received that which according to the purpose of His Own good pleasure He hath
chosen. He hath let fall on Him the hands of bloody men, but while they were
bent only on their own sin, they were servants ministering to the Redeemer's
work. And such was His tenderness even for His murderers that His prayer to His
Father from the Cross, as touching them, was, not that He might be avenged upon
them, but that they might be forgiven.
Homily by St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan.
9th Book on Luke
Beautiful is the type, when the Lord, about to leave the Jews, and to take up His abode in the hearts of the Gentiles, goeth up into the Temple; a figure of His going to the true Temple wherein He is worshipped, not in the deadness of the letter, but in spirit and in truth, even that Temple of God whereof the foundations are laid, not in buildings of stone, but in faith. He leaveth behind Him such as hate Him, and getteth Him to such as will love Him. And therefore cometh He unto the Mount of Olives that He may plant upon the heights of grace those young olive-branches, whose Mother is the Jerusalem which is above. Upon this mountain standeth He, the Heavenly Husbandman, that all they which be planted in the House of the Lord may be able each one to say: "But I am like a fruitful olive-tree in the House of God." Ps. li. 10.
9th Book on Luke
Beautiful is the type, when the Lord, about to leave the Jews, and to take up His abode in the hearts of the Gentiles, goeth up into the Temple; a figure of His going to the true Temple wherein He is worshipped, not in the deadness of the letter, but in spirit and in truth, even that Temple of God whereof the foundations are laid, not in buildings of stone, but in faith. He leaveth behind Him such as hate Him, and getteth Him to such as will love Him. And therefore cometh He unto the Mount of Olives that He may plant upon the heights of grace those young olive-branches, whose Mother is the Jerusalem which is above. Upon this mountain standeth He, the Heavenly Husbandman, that all they which be planted in the House of the Lord may be able each one to say: "But I am like a fruitful olive-tree in the House of God." Ps. li. 10.
And perchance that mountain doth signify Christ Himself. For
what other is there that beareth such fruit of olives as He doth, not rich with
store of loaded branches, but spiritually fruitful with the fulness of the
Gentiles? He also it is on Whom we go up, and unto Whom we go up; He is the
Door; He is the Way; He is He Which is opened and Which openeth; He is He upon
Whom knocketh whosoever entereth in, and to Whom they that have entered in, do
worship. A figure also was it that the disciples went into a village, and that
there they found an ass tied and a colt with her neither could they be loosed,
save at the command of the Lord. It was the hand of His Apostles which loosed
them. He whose work and life are like theirs will have such grace as was
theirs. Be thou also such as they, if thou wouldest loose them that are bound.
Now, let us consider who they were, who, being convicted of
transgression, were banished from their home in the Garden of Eden into a
village, and in this thou wilt see how Life called back again them whom death
had cast out. For this reason, we read in Matthew that there were tied both an
ass and her colt; thus, as man was banished from Eden in a member of either
sex, so is it in animals of both sexes that his re-call is figured. The she-ass
is a type of our sinful Mother Eve, and the colt of the multitude of the
Gentiles; and it was upon the colt that Christ took His seat. And thus it is
well written of the colt, Luke xix. 30, that thereon
never yet had man sat, for no man before Christ ever called the Gentiles into
the Church which statement thou hast in Mark also xi. 2: Whereon never man
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