Friday, October 4, 2024

S. Francisci Confessoris ~ Duplex majus

Scriptura: Feria Sexta infra Hebdomadam XIX post Octavam Pentecostes I. Octobris

Saint Francis of Assisi, depicted by the Spanish painter Jusepe de RibePhotograph by Leemage / UIG via Getty

Today is the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, C, under the 1954 (double major) and 1962 (III class) rubrics.

Mass: Proper Mass. White. Gloria. Gradual/Alleluia. Omit Credo. Common Preface. Ite. No commemorations.

Office: Ordinary office. White. Matins of 3 nocturns of 9 lessons (1954)/1 nocturn of 3 lessons (1962; II = II & III of occurring Scripture combined, III = short hagiography). Te Deum. Psalms and antiphons of the feria. All else from the common of a confessor not a bishop. Proper collect. No commemorations at Lauds. Omit suffrage (1954).

V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray.
O God, Who by the good works of blessed Francis enriched Your Church by establishing a new religious family, grant us to imitate him by emulation of him, by looking upon the things of earth as nought and ever to rejoice in sharing Your heavenly gifts.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
R. Amen.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

S. Theresiæ a Jesu Infante Virginis ~ Duplex

Scriptura: Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam XIX post Octavam Pentecostes I. Octobris

Today is the feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, V, under the 1954 (double) and 1962 (III class) rubrics.

Mass: Proper Mass. White. Gloria. Gradual/Alleluia. Omit Credo. Common Preface. Ite. No commemorations.

Office: Ordinary office. White. Matins of 3 nocturns of 9 lessons (1954)/1 nocturn of 3 lessons (1962; II = II & III of occurring Scripture combined, III = short hagiography). Te Deum. Psalms and antiphons of the feria. All else from the common of virgins not martyrs. Proper collect. No commemorations at Lauds. Omit suffrage (1954). (LB236 on Twitter/X).

℣. O Lord, hear my prayer.
℟. And let my cry come unto thee.
Let us pray.
O Lord, who hast said: Unless you become as little children you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven, grant us, we pray, so to follow, in humility and simplicity of heart, the footsteps of the virgin blessed Theresa, that we may attain to an everlasting reward.
Who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Ss. Angelorum Custodum ~ Duplex majus

Tempora: Feria Quarta infra Hebdomadam XIX post Octavam Pentecostes I. Octobris

Today is the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels under the 1954 (double major) and 1962 (III class) rubrics.

Mass: Proper Mass. White. Gloria. Gradual/Alleluia. Credo (1954 only). Common Preface. Ite. No commemorations.

Office: Under 1954, festal office. White. Matins of 3 nocturns of 9 lessons (1st nocturn = proper with proper responsories). Te Deum. At Lauds and the hours, psalms of Sunday (Prime = 53, 118.1, 118.2) with proper antiphons. All else from the proper. Proper Benedictus antiphon. Proper collect. No commemorations at Lauds. Omit suffrage.

Under 1962, ordinary office. White. Matins of 1 nocturn of 3 lessons (I & II = proper lessons [1st nocturn of the old Breviary, II = II & III of old Breviary combined], III = lesson IV of the old Breviary). Te Deum. At Lauds, psalms of Sunday with proper antiphons. All else from the proper. Proper Benedictus antiphon. Proper collect. No commemorations at Lauds. At Prime and the hours, psalms and antiphons of the feria. All else from the proper. (LB236 on Twitter/X)

℣. O Lord, hear my prayer.
℟. And let my cry come unto thee.
Let us pray.
O God, Who in thine unspeakable Providence hast been pleased to give thine holy Angels charge over us, to keep us, mercifully grant unto our prayers, that we be both ever fenced by their wardship here, and everlastingly blessed by their fellowship hereafter.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

S. Remigii Episcopi et Confessoris ~ Simplex

Scriptura: Feria Tertia infra Hebdomadam XIX post Octavam Pentecostes I. Octobris

Saint Remigius (French: Remi or Rémic. 437 – January 13, 533), was the Bishop of Reims and "Apostle of the Franks". On 25 December 496 he baptised Clovis I, King of the Franks.

Today is the feast of St. Remigius, B & C, under the 1954 (simple) rubrics.

Mass: Of the preceding Sunday (obligatory at sung/conventual Mass and in churches where only one private [low] Mass is offered due to the preceding Sunday's Mass being displaced by the Mass of the Dedication of St. Michael). Green. Omit Gloria. Gradual/Alleluia. Omit Credo. Common Preface. Bendedicamus. Commemoration of St. Remigius. 3rd prayer A cunctis for the intercession of the saints.

If a 2nd (private/low) Mass is offered in parish churches, it is of St. Remigius. Mass Statuit of a confessor bishop. White. Gloria. Gradual/Alleluia. Omit Credo. Common Preface. Ite. Commemoration of the 19th Sunday after Pentecost. 3rd prayer A cunctis.

Private (low) votive Masses/daily Requiems are prohibited today under the 1954 rubrics.

Office: Ordinary office of St. Remigius. White. Matins of 1 nocturn of 3 lessons (I & II = occurring Scripture [Tuesday of the 1st week of October], III = short hagiography). Te Deum. Psalms and antiphons of the feria. All else from the common of a confessor bishop. Collect Da quaesumus. No commemorations at Lauds. Suffrage of the saints. (LB236 on Twitter/X)

℣. O Lord, hear my prayer.
℟. And let my cry come unto thee.
Let us pray.
Grant, we beseech thee, almighty God, that we who celebrate the feast of Remigius, bishop, also enjoy his intercession.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.