Thursday, October 10, 2024

S. Francisci Borgiæ Confessoris ~ Semiduplex

Scriptura: Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam XX post Octavam Pentecostes II. Octobris

Today is the feast of St. Francis Borgia, C, under the 1954 (semi-double) and 1962 (III class) rubrics.

Mass: Os justi of an abbot with proper orations. White. Gloria. Gradual/Alleluia. Omit Credo. Common Preface. Ite. Under 1954, 2nd prayer A cunctis for the intercession of the saints. 3rd prayer at the choice of the celebrant. No additional prayers under 1962.

Office: Ordinary office. White. Matins of 3 nocturns of 9 lessons (1954)/1 nocturn of 3 lessons (1962). Te Deum. Psalms and antiphons of the feria. All else from the common of a confessor not a bishop. Proper collect. No commemorations at Lauds. Suffrage of the saints (1954 only).

℣. O Lord, hear my prayer.
℟. And let my cry come unto thee.
Let us pray.
O Lord Jesus Christ, model of true humility and its reward, we beseech Thee, that as Thou made blessed Francis one of Thy glorious imitators by his contempt for earthly honors, grant us to follow his example and to share in his glory.
Who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.

Biography of S Francis Borgia:

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