Thursday, August 28, 2008

Killing Christians to stop development and dignity of tribal peoples and Dalits

Orissa, India

by Father Augustine Kanjamala, Svd

A sociological expert reveals the motives at the base of the recurring violence against the Christians: the conversions to Christianity, the instruction, the emancipation of rescuing tribals outside the cast of slavery. Hindu Fundamentalism wishes to stop the search for greater justice and the ongoing social transformations.

Requiescat in pace: Thomas Pandippally, Martyr of a New Missionary Age

"It is my firm conviction that our missionary Church will flourish and missionaries will make a richer and more courageous contribution to the Church as a result of the martyrdom of our beloved Fr. Thomas."

Orissa: uccidere i cristiani per fermare sviluppo e dignità di tribali e Dalit
di P. Augustine Kanjamala, Svd
Un esperto sociologo rivela i motivi alla base delle ricorrenti violenze contro i cristiani: la conversione al cristianesimo, l’istruzione, l’emancipazione sottraggono tribali e fuori casta allo schiavismo. Il fondamentalismo indù frena la ricerca di maggior giustizia e le trasformazioni sociali in atto.

(Photo and story from

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