Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday, 14th Wk Ord Time: "Jesus summoned his Twelve disciples"

Jesus sent out these Twelve after instructing them thus, "Do not go into pagan territory or enter a Samaritan town. Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. As you go, make this proclamation: 'The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.'"
-- Mt 10:1-7

Christ himself chose the apostles and gave them a share in his mission and authority. Raised to the Father's right hand, he has not forsaken his flock but he keeps it under his constant protection through the apostles, and guides it still through these same pastors who continue his work today. Thus, it is Christ whose gift it is that some be apostles, others pastors. He continues to act through the bishops.
-- CCC 1575

Catholic News Service has introduced a special feature to celebrate the Year for Priests, a blog series on the Year for Priests from the perspective of priests themselves. "We have several priests who have agreed to write for us about their lives and ministry. Watch for their posts in the coming weeks and months." More info can be found here.

Note to readers: Daily postings may be later than the usual 1:00 AM Eastern Time due to Blogspot technical difficulties. Thank you for your visit today.

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