"...pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks ."
Rejoice in the Lord, the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world.
"The consequences of original sin and of all men's personal sins put the world as a whole in the sinful condition aptly described in St. John's expression, 'the sin of the world.' (Jn 1:29)" (CCC 407)
John the Baptist guides us in Advent, a people who look to Christ alone to take away our sins and to open heaven for us when he comes again in glory. Christ is the "Lamb of God", to whom we confidently go to receive the fullness of God's mercy: "Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit peccata mundi". Go humbly, and with a sense of urgency, to receive him who unburdens us of the weight of death and the shame of sin and gives us in exchange his unending, divine life.
Meeting Christ in the Liturgy offers a reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent.
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