Tues, 12/17/24:
Today is a greater Advent feria under the 1954 (simple) and 1962 (II class) rubrics.
Mass: Of the preceding Sunday. Violet. Omit Gloria. Gradual. Omit Alleluia. Omit Credo. Common Preface (1962: optional Preface of Advent). Benedicamus (1954)/Ite (1962). Under 1954, 2nd prayer Deus qui de beatae of Our Lady. 3rd prayer either Ecclesiae tuae for the Church or Deus omnium for the pope. No additional prayers under 1962.
Office: Ferial office. Violet. Matins of 1 nocturn of 3 lessons. Omit Te Deum. Psalms (Lauds = schema II) of the feria. Antiphons at Matins of the feria. Antiphons at Lauds and the hours Rorate caeli etc. for feria III (Tuesday) before the vigil of Christmas. Preces at Lauds and the hours (1954 only). Collect of the preceding Sunday. No commemorations. Omit suffrage (1954). At Prime, add displaced psalm 95 (1954 only). (LB236 on Twitter/X.)
℣. The Lord be with you.
℟. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray.
Lend Your ear to our prayers, O Lord, we beseech You; and brighten the darkness of our minds by the grace of Your coming.
Who livest and reignest with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end.
℟. Amen
Let us pray.
de S. Maria Advent
O God, Who, by the message of an Angel, willed to take flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, grant that we, your suppliants, who believe her to be truly the Mother of God, may be helped by her intercession with You.
Contra persecutores Ecclesiæ
Ecclésiæ tuæ, quǽsumus, Dómine, preces placátus admítte: ut, destrúctis adversitátibus et erróribus univérsis, secúra tibi sérviat libertáte.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.
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