A superficial faith says "Lord, Lord", as if to promise love, but goes no further.
The faith that leads to salvation, however, gives the sincere gift of self in doing the will of our heavenly Father.
The Son shows us this self-donation perfectly on the Cross and thus leads through the abyss of death to Life Eternal.
We must strive to be like the first son in the parable inasmuch as he said 'yes' though he did not follow through in his actions. We must also repent as did the second son who, though he said 'no' at first, later returned to the right way and assented to the Father's will.
Both a generous response to God's invitation and a serious commitment to living the Gospel are necessary for the authentic disciple of Christ. And when we fall, our salvation is accepting the Father's mercy in our sorrow for sin.
Meeting Christ in the Liturgy offers a reflection for the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
(Art: Pompeo Batoni, Return of the Prodigal Son.)
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