With thanks to Almighty God, family, the many faithful and friends all over the world, this blogger announces his selection for promotion to the rank of Navy Lieutenant Commander as released in a Naval message dated 5 September 2008. Thanks also to many loyal chaplain friends, colleagues and superiors through the years.
Let us pray that worldly pride and honors, wonderful though they be, never take priority over our first duty to love, worship and honor our God and Savior Jesus Christ that His work of the salvation of the world in and through His universal Church remain our highest privilege and duty.
We can do no better than our sovereign pontiff Benedict XVI who, when elected successor to Peter, called himself a "humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord". To follow his eminent example and to be such a servant reflects authentic Divine Love and is the highest of honors, bestowed by God, to which all of us should aspire. To Christ be glory and honor now and forever, Amen.

(Above, insignia of US Navy Christian Chaplains. Below, insignia of US Navy Lieutenant Commander.)
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